Featuring Dr. Edith
Jeff Mara PodcastShe Went to Our True Reality During Her Near Death Like Experience
Love Covered Life Podcast with Melissa DenycePre-Birth MEMORY: Saw NEW WAVE of SOULS Coming to Help with MASSIVE Earth Shift
A New and Ancient Story with Charles EisensteinDr. Edith Ubuntu Chan: A Trillion Points of Light (E50)
"Far Out with Faust" Podcast
Qigong Mastery, Darkroom Technology, DMT & The Godhead
Master Mind, Body & Spirit Podcast with Matt BelairDr. Edith Ubuntu Chan & Dr. Barre Lando: Health, Higher Consciousness Our Soul Evolution
Henna Maria “Authentic” podcast Luminous Kids - The Authentic Podcast with Henna Maria and Dr. Edith Ubuntu Chan
Alfavedic "Alfacast"SuperWellness & Mastering Our Reality w/ Dr. Edith Ubuntu Chan
Pete Evans "Evolve" PodcastDr. Edith Ubuntu Chan
Work with Dr. E
PRIVATE COACHINGReady to experience your next level of alignment, fulfillment, and possibility?Experience a methodical guided process to accelerate to your next level of alignment, fulfillment, and possibility. Recalibrate and Upgrade across all dimensions of life - professional and personal, mind-body-spirit.
SPEAKINGWant Dr. E to unlock the power of human potential at your next event?
#1 bestselling book, by Dr. Edith Ubuntu Chan - Foreword by Wim Hof
Master your energy. Change the world."SuperWellness is a great gift to our world. Dr. Edith Ubuntu Chan is a true pioneer and my dear friend. I’m so happy to share this mission with her. The mission to empower every human being to be extraordinary."
~ Wim Hof Paperback and Kindle versions available on Amazon. |