Are you the parent of a Luminous Kid?
Raising the new generation of Luminous Kids is the most rich and rewarding experience. But it also comes with a unique set of challenges. Luminous Kids DO NOT fit the conventional paradigms. They are cosmic beings. They're highly intuitive, sensitive, and empathic. They bring great wisdom and have come to show us a whole new realm of possibilities.
Being parents of these Luminous Kids requires that we let go of old models of parenting. We need to cultivate ourselves and do our inner work. We need great patience with these children who literally question EVERYTHING. And some days, we also need a strong glass of ... Kombucha! It's time to portal into the new reality. The intense changes of recent times have created the perfect opportunity for us. Let's step into magical new possibilities. Join us! |
A Unique Coaching Program for Parents & Families
Meet other Luminous Parents!
As Luminous Parents, we're open-minded creatives, free-thinkers, solutionaries, thought-leaders, and human pioneers.
* We strive to live in peaceful partnership with our children (vs. the old authoritarian paradigm).
* We love to learn. We're committed to our inner growth.
* We do our research and support Informed Consent and Medical Freedom.
* We tend to be attracted to holistic philosophies like - natural birth, home birth, co-sleeping, Attachment Parenting, Waldorf/Steiner, holistic health, organic living, self-directed child-led learning, Life-schooling, World-schooling, Unschooling, and Radical Unschooling.
* Many of us identify as starseeds/indigos/crystals ourselves.
* We're aware that choosing to parent and educate our children in this customized and honoring way is an act of radical activism. It's an invocation for a beautiful new world!
* Yes - Grandparents, tutors, nannies, mentors are welcomed.
If this sounds like you, we invite you to join our community!
As Luminous Parents, we're open-minded creatives, free-thinkers, solutionaries, thought-leaders, and human pioneers.
* We strive to live in peaceful partnership with our children (vs. the old authoritarian paradigm).
* We love to learn. We're committed to our inner growth.
* We do our research and support Informed Consent and Medical Freedom.
* We tend to be attracted to holistic philosophies like - natural birth, home birth, co-sleeping, Attachment Parenting, Waldorf/Steiner, holistic health, organic living, self-directed child-led learning, Life-schooling, World-schooling, Unschooling, and Radical Unschooling.
* Many of us identify as starseeds/indigos/crystals ourselves.
* We're aware that choosing to parent and educate our children in this customized and honoring way is an act of radical activism. It's an invocation for a beautiful new world!
* Yes - Grandparents, tutors, nannies, mentors are welcomed.
If this sounds like you, we invite you to join our community!

Raise kids that are tapped into their Limitless Possibilities.
* Go beyond homeschooling and traditional unschooling. Experience the new paradigm in conscious parenting with our children.
* Learn why traditional homeschooling is far too limiting for this new generation of Luminous Kids.
* Understand how self-directed, interest-led experiential learning is the foundation of the new paradigm.
* Discover how to create a mutually fulfilling, nurturing, win-win partnership with your kids.
* Empower your children to align with their passion, joy and life purpose.
* Be supported on your journey of inner growth as parents and mentors of these children.
* Live a truly holistic education model with your kids (cultivating IQ, EQ, energetic intelligence, body intelligence, intuitive intelligence, spiritual intelligence, and more).
* Embrace parenthood as a beautiful opportunity to cultivate the BEST of yourself!
* Go beyond homeschooling and traditional unschooling. Experience the new paradigm in conscious parenting with our children.
* Learn why traditional homeschooling is far too limiting for this new generation of Luminous Kids.
* Understand how self-directed, interest-led experiential learning is the foundation of the new paradigm.
* Discover how to create a mutually fulfilling, nurturing, win-win partnership with your kids.
* Empower your children to align with their passion, joy and life purpose.
* Be supported on your journey of inner growth as parents and mentors of these children.
* Live a truly holistic education model with your kids (cultivating IQ, EQ, energetic intelligence, body intelligence, intuitive intelligence, spiritual intelligence, and more).
* Embrace parenthood as a beautiful opportunity to cultivate the BEST of yourself!
Some examples of Luminous Kids' activities:
* Exploring wellness and self-care, body awareness, physical and energy anatomy.
* Nature connection and gardening. * Sacred Geometry and vortex mathematics, Cymatics, new biology, new science of water. * Tapping into cosmic awareness, while being a kid, a human, an earthling. * Indigenous wisdom, cosmic/natural law, cosmology. * Story-time, arts-n-crafts, show-n-tell - fun activities that inspire meaningful conversations. * Blindfold Perception, Energy Awareness & Intuition Games * Consciousness Training - e.g. spoon bending, telekinesis, nature & animal communication, etc. * Kids support and inspire one another in creative or entrepreneurial projects. * Following our passions; cultivating joy, kindness, compassion, and love for life. If reading this list makes your heart SING, then we'd love for you to join us! |
Coaching Program structure
Parents Coaching Calls * 2x/month - 1st & 3rd week each month * Thurs 12noon PT / 3p ET * For parents with kids of ALL ages (not just kids 5-9) * Grandparents, mentors, tutors, nannies are welcomed too! Private Telegram group for ongoing community support! Membership is $88 per month Be empowered. Be supported. Together, let's step into new possibilities. For families limited by budget, we've set aside 2 discount scholarship spots.
Email [email protected] to inquire. |
Check out the latest podcast w Charles Eisenstein. Dr. Edith shares many fun stories of parenthood. Hope you enjoy!

Dr. Edith Ubuntu Chan is a Holistic Chinese Medicine Doctor, Author, Speaker, Coach, and mama of two Luminous Kids.
Her journey began in 2003 after a series of meditation-induced mystical experiences that changed her perception of human possibilities forever. Since then, she has devoted her life to unlocking the secrets to our Human Potential. Her work weaves together ancient wisdom with the latest in science, medicine, and spirituality.
Dr. Edith's book SuperWellness features a foreword by Wim Hof and offers a powerful distillation of her last 15years of clinical experience. Dr. E is writing her 2nd book "Luminous Kids", where she shares her journey of conscious conception, pregnancy, home birth, and homeschooling / unschooling, and the raising of the new generation of Luminous Kids.
As a Holistic Medicine practitioner, Dr. Edith is best known for her extraordinary success helping athletes achieve optimal health and high performance. She draws upon her background as a NCAA Division I collegiate rower and as co-founder and past coach of the San Francisco Triathlon Club. Dr. Edith is also a Level III practitioner of "The Reconnection" and a Certified High Performance Coach.
A graduate of Harvard University, Dr. Edith has been featured on CNN, Yoga Journal, Lilou Macé's Juicy Living Tour, The Goddess Project documentary, and numerous health and wellness podcasts. Her academic background includes a Doctoral Degree from Five Branches University in Endocrinology & Neuromuscular Medicine, a 4-year graduate degree from American College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and a Bachelors with Magna Cum Laude in Applied Mathematics from Harvard University.
In 2015, Dr. Edith created the very first Pranic Festival, a conference exploring the frontiers of human possibilities. Since 2018, her popular podcast - "The Dr. E Show" - has featured a stunning array of world-class guests in areas like health and wellness, science and spirituality, quantum biology, and conscious living.
Through her clinical practice, her writings, workshops, and seminars, Dr. Edith helps thought-leaders and Visionary Pioneers become masters of their Energy and Life, so that they can lead and serve at the highest levels.
Her journey began in 2003 after a series of meditation-induced mystical experiences that changed her perception of human possibilities forever. Since then, she has devoted her life to unlocking the secrets to our Human Potential. Her work weaves together ancient wisdom with the latest in science, medicine, and spirituality.
Dr. Edith's book SuperWellness features a foreword by Wim Hof and offers a powerful distillation of her last 15years of clinical experience. Dr. E is writing her 2nd book "Luminous Kids", where she shares her journey of conscious conception, pregnancy, home birth, and homeschooling / unschooling, and the raising of the new generation of Luminous Kids.
As a Holistic Medicine practitioner, Dr. Edith is best known for her extraordinary success helping athletes achieve optimal health and high performance. She draws upon her background as a NCAA Division I collegiate rower and as co-founder and past coach of the San Francisco Triathlon Club. Dr. Edith is also a Level III practitioner of "The Reconnection" and a Certified High Performance Coach.
A graduate of Harvard University, Dr. Edith has been featured on CNN, Yoga Journal, Lilou Macé's Juicy Living Tour, The Goddess Project documentary, and numerous health and wellness podcasts. Her academic background includes a Doctoral Degree from Five Branches University in Endocrinology & Neuromuscular Medicine, a 4-year graduate degree from American College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and a Bachelors with Magna Cum Laude in Applied Mathematics from Harvard University.
In 2015, Dr. Edith created the very first Pranic Festival, a conference exploring the frontiers of human possibilities. Since 2018, her popular podcast - "The Dr. E Show" - has featured a stunning array of world-class guests in areas like health and wellness, science and spirituality, quantum biology, and conscious living.
Through her clinical practice, her writings, workshops, and seminars, Dr. Edith helps thought-leaders and Visionary Pioneers become masters of their Energy and Life, so that they can lead and serve at the highest levels.