Inspirational Videos & Movies
Interviews featuring Dr. E.
The Goddess Project - inspirational stories of 100 women, from all walks of life, following their dreams.
Lilou Mace interviews Dr. E on "Conscious Conception & Special Children on the Planet"
Lilou Mace interviews Dr. E - "Is it possible for some people to Live on Light/Prana/Qi?"
Great Documentaries Recommended by Dr. E!
Awakening Our Fullest Human Potential
The Power of the Heart - documentary featuring great luminaries of our generations. BEAUTIFUL -MUST SEE!
Kumaré - Great film about finding our Inner Guru.
Finding Joe - a documentary about charting your own course and finding your "Hero's Journey".
The inspirational story of our good friend WIM HOF "The Iceman". This one is an absolute MUST SEE!
Cultural Creatives - what makes us Game-changers, Visionaries, and Cultural Creatives unique?
Peace Pilgrim - an American Sage who was way ahead of her time. Guaranteed inspiration!
Big picture: Science + History + Personal Growth + SpiritualityConversation w/ Max Loughan 13-yo Tesla-like Physicist, Inventor & Changemaker. Highly recommended!
Black (W)hole - on physicist Nassim Haramein's groundbreaking findings - anchoring in a beautiful new worldview of our oneness and interconnectedness.
Solar Revolution - could it be that humanity is in for a time of rapid awakening due to our position in the Galaxy?
On finding a Life of Passion & Joy
Sir Ken Robinson - on Passion: how our education / upbringing affect our capacity to find passion.
Bashar - Following your highest Excitement.
On the topic of Money - Prosperity - AbundanceOn Money & Spirituality - Richard Rudd, author of "THE GENE KEYS" - one of Dr. E's all time favorite books.
Money & Life documentary - on finding balance in our relationship with Money and the flow of finances.
The Soul of Money - with Lynne Twist.
Are we aligning our money with our ethics & priorities? The Story of Stuff / The Story of Solutions:
Practical, fun, and no-nonsense look at our relationship with the flow of abundance, material goods, personal & social well-being. HIGHLY recommended! |